1. "Broken Heart" Isn't Just a Saying- When a person is experiencing emotional trauma, like from break-ups or loss of a love one, the brain actually releases chemicals that have been shown to weaken one's heart.
2. The Four Minute Theory- It only takes approximately 4 minutes for a person to decide whether or not they like somebody else. It has a lot to do with your body language, and the tone and speed of your voice.3. Butterflies- Everyone has experienced it, the tingly nervous feeling in your stomach that happens when you interact with your "crush." Well, the body actually releases adrenaline, which in turn causes that "butterfly" feeling in your stomach.
5. Philophobia is the fear of love. By definition, it is the fear of emotional attachment, which includes the fear of both love and friendship.
6. Love Drugs- When you're in love, the brain releases dopamine. Scientists noticed that the same areas of the brain light up when someone is in love and when someone is high on cocaine. So, love is actually comparable to drugs!
7. Monogamous- Monogamous basically means to be exclusive to one person. Humans are (usually) monogamous when in a relationship, and some animals are too! Penguins, swans, bald eagles, wolves, and even cockroaches mate for life.
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