Sunday, March 15, 2015

How To Make Friends

Yeah, I know, it’s a stupid title for a blog post. I actually typed "how to make friends" in the Google search bar. And I felt pretty pathetic. But if you need help making friends, never fear, the Compatible Battle is here! (Apologies for how cheesy that last sentence was.)
Some peoples' personality can make it more difficult for them to create friendships, while other people have no trouble making friends. But for anyone out there who needs it, here are some do’s and don’ts to create long lasting friendships.

1. Do Spend More a Time Around People
Self explanatory, right? The first step in making friends is to be around people. Engage in conversation, and try not to be negative. You can try joining a club or sport that you enjoy to meet people with similar interests. Social media can also be a good way to meet and connect with other people.

2. Don't Be Pushy
Don't try to force anyone to be your friend, or make them feel guilty about not wanting to be best friends with you. True friendships are not created by being clingy, rude, or by trying to be someone that you're not. Friendship should be mutual, and being pushy will not create the kind of connection most people are looking for.

3. Do Pay Attention
Humans like being listened to and feeling appreciated. By simply paying attention to another person, whether it be their strengths or their weakness, makes them feel valued. But don't overstep any boundaries. And if they confide secrets in you, don't tell the entire world. By simply being there for them you can create good friendships.

4. Don't Give Up
It can be hard to make friends. Sometimes, even when you think you have made trustworthy friends, they can turn out to be totally different than you expected. Sometimes people aren't looking to make new friends. But don't be discouraged. Even if it takes time, and you feel like you want to give up, keep trying. In the end, it will all turn out well.

For more tips, go to WikiHow and type in “How To Make Friends.” Seriously, go do it. It’s hilarious.

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